Sportsday 2024: Rain and sunshine included

2024 Sportsday 1 warming upThe sports day in June 2024 started a little wet - just as all the classes had arrived at the stadium and the warm-up was about to begin, it started to rain. We briefly considered cancelling the day, but then decided to go ahead with the sports day as planned.

And that turned out to be the right decision - the warm-up still took place2024 Sportsday 3 umbrella in the rain, but that couldn't stop the athletes.

The children completed their four stations in the morning with great enthusiasm and much success - and were able to relax and enjoy snacks in the playground during the breaks.

2024 Sportsday 2 PfützeWe would like to thank everyone without whom the sports day would not have been possible: the parent helpers, the school paramedics, the teachers and carers and, last but not least, our dedicated sports teachers.

As always, we would also like to thank the "FriendsofSISS" Förderverein, who donated a refreshing ice cream for the children and all the helpers at the end of the2024 Sportsday 5 ice cream day.

We are already looking forward to Sportsday 2025!

text and pictures: U.Wetterich

2024 Sportsday 4 recreation

2024 Sportsday warming up

Y3aFF Limericks event

SISS Y3FF Schulradio Juli 2023The Y3 Fantastic Foxes students made their school radio debut in July 2023.

Limericks are short poems that are funny. They always have 5 lines and follow a specific rhyming pattern. Limericks began in England in the early 1700s and were made famous by the poet Edward Lear in the 1800s. Each student wrote their own limerick and recorded a reading of it to air on the school radio station. The visit to the on-campus recording studio was extra special because the students were studying the topic Sound in their Science lessons.

Text and picture: Emily Rohrbach, Class Teacher Y3FF

Year 4BB's Exciting Trip to Albert Schweitzer Haus!

Lindenfels 2We are thrilled to share the experiences our Year 4BB pupils had during their recent residential trip to the Albert Schweitzer Haus in Lindenfels. From March 22nd to March 24th, our class embarked on a journey filled with fun, learning, and laughter. At the Jugendherberge, located amidst a forest, the children had the opportunity to meet and feed rabbits, sheep, and playful cats, making friends along the way. We enjoyed refreshing walks in which we explored and immersed ourselves in nature.

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Are you ok?

first aid course 1 On Monday 5th June, the four classes of Flexible Lower Primary were excited to welcomefist aid course 2 First Aiders from the ASB (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund) for a children's first aid course. During the morning, each class had a 90 -minute session learning the basics of emergency first aid, including how to cope with a nosebleed and how to put someone into the recovery position. The children also learned how to apply bandages to a wound, with the result that by the end of the session the whole class was bandaged. Fortunately, it only looked scary to those who then met the class in the schoolyard or in the hallway - all the children were actually very well.

The morning was a great success with all the children taking part and having lots of fun.

Our thanks to the staff from the ASB for a super and informative morning.

text and pictures: Emma Nicholls, class teacher of Flex PP on behalf of the Flexible Lower Primary team

Save the date: SISS Walkathon, 17 June 2023

Walkathon Assembly 1Finally there is a Walkathon again!

Many of the primary school children have never participated in a walkathon before.

Therefore, there was a kick-off event in May where the primary school students were visited by Dylon, Robin, Simon and Sid from Y11/SISS Secondary. The IB students explained the key facts about the event to the children:

- What is a walkathon?

- Who can participate?

- When does it take place? and - last but not least -.

- How can everyone raise money together?

Apart from the idea of participating together in such an event, there was one detail that the children particularly liked: they would all like to meet the "chicken man on the bike", who gives exhausted runners a boost from time to time during the walkathon!

It was a great assembly - we would like to thank the four IB students and Mr Rafal Milerski, who supports the organising team, and look forward to seeing many families at the Walkathon!

U. Wetterich, June 2023

Sports festival 2023

Sporttag Start 24.May 2023 SISS Primary Was it a great day?

The Christian Stock Stadium was buzzing with activity on 24 May. The children from the Grundschulzweig and Siss Primary celebrated the sports festival together.

In the weeks before, they had practised a lot in sports lessons. Finally, the time had come: no arithmetic, no writing, no reading, no German and no English - instead, sprinting, jumping, throwing and long-distance running were on the schedule, with time for picnics and fun and games.

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2. Platz beim Schwimmfest der Grundschulen

2023 03 29 002 Schuldorf SchwimmenAm 29. März fand nach zwei Jahren Pause endlich wieder das Schwimmfest der Grundschulen im Dieburger Schwimmbad statt. Das Schuldorf nahm mit einer Mannschaft bestehend aus acht Kindern der 3. Klassen des deutschen Grundschulzweigs und der SISS Primary daran teil.

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4a DD Class Trip to the Experiminta Museum

EXPERIMINTA SchattentheaterOn Thursday, 23 March 23, the children of 4aDD were very excited as they entered the bus heading to Frankfurt to spend the day in the Experiminta museum. We were greeted by two tour guides who took care of us for the whole day and who showed us to our own room where we would spend the first part of our booked tour and where the first experiments immediately took place.

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Laterne, Laterne - Sonne, Mond und Sterne

Lanternwalk 2Finally the time has come again - our Lower Primary children have been busy making lanterns and practising the lantern songs in their music classes.


On 11.11.22 at 6.00 p.m. the children and parents gathered in the school yard.
Together, we started the lantern festival by singing lantern songs, accompanied by Mina, Amelie, Adrian and Caitlin (guitar), Lily (flute) Misha (saxophone) and Utako (oculele) from SISS Secondary under the direction of Mrs Schürmann.

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Sports Day 28th June 2022

BJS Aufwärmen 2022After two long years without Sports Day, SISS Primary finally held this long-awaited yearly event on 28th June 2022.

The lush green forests of the Bergstraße as a backdrop and beautiful blue skies made for the perfect scenery as girls and boys enthusiastically showed their abilities in the long jump and long throw. The event ended with a fun-relay-race between children and grown-ups (won by the children!) and was crowned with ice-cream for everyone.

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Update: Hygiene Regulations, March 2022

Dear Parents,

We would like to inform you about a few modifications on the school authorities’ part.

Testing in school:

The obligation to test three times a week for pupils who have not been vaccinated or who have not recovered remains in place for the time being.

In case of a positive tested child the class/ learning group will test daily for only 7 days instead of 14 days.

Pupils who have been vaccinated or have recovered can still take part in the tests at school on a voluntary basis (parents’ permission required).

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Parents information regarding change in communciation

Dear Parents,

Due to the increasing complexity of the infection situation at SISS Primary, we are changing our way of communicating it to you.

We will no longer send emails to individual cohorts regarding new infections; instead, every Friday a spreadsheet with the number of positive tested children of the week will be send out by email to all parents for information.

This change in communication has no impact on the handling of the situation. Current procedures remain in place:

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Welcome back - school situation in January 2022

Dear Parents of SISS Primary,

Welcome back to everyone, we wish you a healthy start to the New Year!

We would like to summarize the current regulations in place:
• In case of an infection with covid -19 the current quarantine is 14 days.
• In case of contact with a positive tested member in the household the current quarantine is 10 days.

Options of shortening the period of quarantine:

1) Pupils who are infected are allowed to return to school at the earliest on day 7
following the initial positive test on condition that they are symptom free and can provide a negative PCR test result.

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Autumn Season

SonnenblumeDear Parents,

We wish you and your family a wonderful and relaxing autumn holiday,
stay safe and healthy.

As already announced in the letter from the Hessian Minister of Education of 12 July 2021, prevention measures will once again be carried out in the first two weeks of school after the autumn holidays (from 25 October to 5 November).

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Science boxes for SISS Primary

Science Box

Dear SISS community,

We are pleased that there is news again about something apart from regulations or updates to Covid 19 procedures. Today we would like to give you an update on the latest Readathon.

As a quick reminder: the Readathon took place in 2020 and was a great success. With all our busy readers and supportive sponsors, we have collected an amazing amount of 2792,95 €. As announced this amount was used to buy new resources for Science and IPC.

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Upcoming Parents' Evenings in September 2021

Dear Parents,

Please find below our invitation to the parents’ evenings:

• Tuesday, 14 September 2021:
18:30h: Flex 1/2a / Terrific Tigers and Flex 1/2b / Outstanding Owls

• Wednesday, 15 September 2021
18:30h: Flex 1/2c / Perfect Penguins and Flex 1/2d / Lucky Lions

• Monday, 20 September 2021
18:30h: Year 3a and 3b

• Wednesday, 29 September 2021
18:30h: Year 4a and 4b

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School routines in May 2021

Dear Parents of SISS Primary,

With reference to the most recent decisions of the Hessian Ministry of Education, it is very likely that all children will have daily classes again in the course of the next week. We are still waiting for the exact date to be announced by the school authorities - we may be able to start with all children back in school as early as Monday.

Mrs Martini-Appel will inform the school community as soon as the exact date has been announced.

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School start as of 19 April 2021

Dear Parents,

With reference to the letter from the Hessian Minister of Education of 12 April 2021, we would like to inform you about the decisions regarding the start of school on Monday, 19 April 2021.

Alternating days of school attendance
In the period from 19 April 2021 until 7 May 2021, all Primary children will continue to come to school on their alternating days. The setting will remain the same as before the holidays including Emergency Care and Supervision. 

Emergency Care
In order to make the start of school as smooth as possible for everyone, the registrations for the Emergency Care groups will remain valid and continue to run as before the holidays. Registration is only necessary if your child was not yet registered for Emergency Care before the holidays. 

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School start after the spring break 2021

Dear Parents,

We would like to inform you briefly about possible school routines after the spring break.

According to the current planning, the Hessian Ministry of Education envisages that all prima-ry children will return to school on a daily basis after the Easter holidays. This would imply that we are back to full class sizes again. In this case, the children will continue to be assigned to the four cohorts, which will remain separated throughout the day in school with staggered break times on the playground and in the dining hall.
It would also imply that we would not have any additional emergency care groups; thus hot lunch options would be available again.

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School start on 22nd February 2021

Dear Parents of SISS Primary,

Regarding the upcoming school start for your children on Monday, 22nd February 2021, we would like to inform you about the regulations in place. We are aware, that this is still a difficult situation for all families as each child’s actual time in school is limited. Siblings in SISS Primary are scheduled for the same day, so that families do not have to cope with different days of attendance.

School hours as of 22nd February
The children will be in school on alternating days (rotation system), either in group A or in group B. They will have their regular lessons on the respective days, from 8.45 am – 3pm.

Supervision is offered for children from 3 pm until 6 pm.
Children need to be registered for SV – please find the registration form attached.

Arrival in school/ leaving school
To reduce the mixing of the cohorts on the playground before school starts, the children will be sent directly to their classrooms as of 8.30 am.
For the period before 8.30 am the schoolyard will be divided into four areas; one area for each cohort. All children who arrive before 8.30 am will have to stay in their assigned area.
This spatial separation on the courtyard in the morning before school starts means that
• the Spider web climbing frame can no longer be used at this time
• the children have very limited space to play
Therefore, we urgently ask all parents to ensure that the children arrive at school between 8.30 and 8.45 am if possible.


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Holiday Time- Travel Time

Dear Parents.

The autumn holidays are just around the corner and some families may have planned trips abroad.

Therefore, we would like to draw your attention to the following situations which require action on your part:

1) Families returning from high-risk areas must comply with the health regulations in force at the time of entry into Germany before the children can return to school.

2) In case only part of the family travels to/ returns from a high risk area: If children under 12 years of age live in a household with a person in quarantine they are not allowed to enter communal facilities such as

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