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Welcome back - school situation in January 2022

Dear Parents of SISS Primary,

Welcome back to everyone, we wish you a healthy start to the New Year!

We would like to summarize the current regulations in place:
• In case of an infection with covid -19 the current quarantine is 14 days.
• In case of contact with a positive tested member in the household the current quarantine is 10 days.

Options of shortening the period of quarantine:

1) Pupils who are infected are allowed to return to school at the earliest on day 7
following the initial positive test on condition that they are symptom free and can provide a negative PCR test result.


2) Pupils who have been in contact with a positive tested member of their household are allowed to return to school at the earliest on day 5. They must be symptom free and have to provide proof of a negative Antigen rapid test (from a test centre) or a PCR test on their return.


School is required to see proof of all test result certification.
No vaccination status currently releases students from the obligation to follow the above

Learning packages:
• Learning packages are available to children who have to stay at home because they have had contact with someone who has tested positive.
• Children who test positive do not receive learning packages at this stage; these children should be given time to get well and recover, as in the case of any sickness.
• In case of absence due to quarantine for travel reasons, children will receive the missed work upon their return to school.


Thank you for your understanding.
Kind regards

Uta Wetterich, January 7th, 2022

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