Schüler nehmen an Lmuna-Konferenz in Arnheim teil

people 2789522 640"Vor einigen Wochen haben 8 Delegierte der MUNSISS an der Lmuna Konferenz, einer Simulation der Vereinten Nationen in Arnheim, Holland teilgenommen. Als Repräsentanten der Ukraine waren unsere Schüler in den Hauptausschüssen, UN- Generalversammlung, Sicherheitsrat, Menschenrechtsausschuss tätig. Vom 6. bis zum 8. Oktober haben wir recherchiert, debattiert, Beschlüsse geschrieben und mit Bedacht an Wahlen teilgenommen.

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DSC 0640AThe students at the International School outperformed themselves in this year's IGCSE exams in May/June. Compared to the worldwide average of scores both in the categories "achieving a C or above" and "achieving an A or A*" the results were better for all the subjects!

Congratulations to this superb performance! W.Scheuerpflug, IGCSE Coordinator

Diese Datei herunterladen (IGCSE RESULTS SISS - WORLDWIDE 2016.pdf)IGCSE RESULTS SISS - WORLDWIDE 2016.pdf2016-11-10 06:58

IGCSE Ceremony 2016

IGCSE 2016 - Zum Vergrößern bitte anklickenOn the evening the 9th of November year 11 had their IGCSE ceremony during which all students who had passed the exams received their certificates. The events started off with speeches from Mrs. Martini-Appel, Mr. Szartowicz and Mr. Scheuerpflug. Next the students were called to the stage to get their certificates.

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IGCSE Awards Ceremony

At 5:30 PM on Wednesday, November 9th, the SISS will hold its annual awards ceremony for the students who successfully passed their IGCSE exams in May/June 2016. This year will be the first time when the students will be honored for their outstanding work in a 2-hour-long ceremony finishing with refreshments generously provided by the parents of this year's classes 10a and 10b. The musical program has kindly been prepared by the music teacher Sven Adelberger. We are all looking forward to this event with music, speeches and the handout of the certificates - the equivalent to the Mittlere Reife Zeugnisse - to the students. 

W.Scheuerpflug, IGCSE Coordinator

Diese Datei herunterladen (IGCSE Awards Ceremony Invitation 2016.pdf)IGCSE Awards Ceremony Invitation 2016.pdf2016-11-09 08:26

Sheik Ghassan Manasra zu Gast am Schuldorf

Manasra3Last week Schuldorf Bergstraße had a really extraordinary event at school. Sheik Ghassan Manasra and his daughter Sisi from Nazareth, a Sufi peace builder, visited Schuldorf Bergstraße and talked about the work of Abrahamic Reunion, a organisation who brings People from Israelian and Palestinian background together at one table with the intention of not talking about each other but talking to each other.

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