Exhibition out of the Suitcase

Aus dem Koffer2 CopyOn  14.6. In 2018 the "Art & Design students - years 9 and up" of the SISS and the art students of the Q2 of the Gymnasium were invited to a special event: Students from the Hochschule für Gestaltung Darmstadt presented their "Exhibition out of the Suitcase" (Ausstellung aus dem Koffer).

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Drama Club presents Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast 2018You are most welcome to come and watch the performance of Beauty and the Beast by Drama Club this Friday 18th May in the Aula at 7pm. There will be refreshments on offer before and after (doors open 6:30pm). This promises to be a fun and accessible performance in English language. 

IB graduates 2018

cap 1266204 640"The administration of the Schuldorf Bergstraße sincerely congratulate the May 2018 graduates of the State International School Seeheim-Jugenheim. They can be highly applauded for their hard work, focus and commitment!  

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IGCSE Ceremony 2017

Please find enclosed the invitation to our annualI IGCSE Awards Ceremony on Thursday 9th November 2017 from 17:30 – 20:00. 

Diese Datei herunterladen (IGCSE Awards Ceremony Invitation 2017.pdf)IGCSE Awards Ceremony Invitation 2017.pdf2017-09-11 16:13


IGCSE Results of the June 2017 Series 

The students of the SISS took their IGCSE examinations from April to June 2017 in the following subjects: German, English, Maths, Coordinated Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Spanish or French, History or/and Geography, Art & Design and Music. The overall results this year were outstanding! The administration congratulates the year 10 students for their successful performance. Furthermore, a big THANKS to all the teachers who did such a great job! 

W.Scheuerpflug (IGCSE Coordinator)  

Diese Datei herunterladen (IGCSE results 2017.pdf)IGCSE results 2017.pdf2017-09-05 07:45


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