IB diploma programme 2024 – 2026

IB INFO PICAfter the presentation of our IB DP on open day with more than 70 guests, you can re-read the presentation HERE for further details.

External applicants should also read the “conditions of admission” following the “Admission” menu.

IB Coordinator W. Scheuerpflug

Open Day at SISS Secondary – Schuldorf Bergstraße

We would love to see you all in our school branch building 41 on Open Day, February 3rd, from 10 AM to 1 PM.

You can meet with our staff members, visit all the subject rooms, enjoy a wide range of presentations and performances, do experiments and get all the information you want while supporting our IB students in their bakesale for their IB ceremony. Please check out the overview of all the events HERE.

W.Scheuerpflug (Co-Head and IB Coordinator)

Diese Datei herunterladen (20240203_Plan open day.pdf)20240203_Plan open day.pdf2024-01-31 15:37

IGCSE Music Concert Trip

Music Trip 23

Text: Lily Koch (9bSISS) / Photos: Annette Grund and Lily Koch













Cinema Trip Excursion

IMG 6982On the 18th of October 2023 the Year 9 classes of SISS went to the cinema to watch the movie “Oppenheimer”.

The movie is written by Christopher Nolan and is about the brilliant scientist Dr J Robert Oppenheimer. The movie deals with the life of the theoretical scientist Oppenheimer as well as the development of the bomb and the consequences of a weapon of mass destruction. The actors are talented, and the cast includes the likes of Cillian Murphy, Robert Downey Jr and Florence Pugh.

Rated 8.5 on IMDB.com, the movie was well received by most of theIMG 6986 students as it had incredible elements that appeal to a lot of people. This includes great visual effects, a refined storyline, accurate representations of events and people and overall, a feel of amazing cinematic quality. The experience was excellent, and the year group is very thankful. This was also a good opportunity for the class to spend some time together outside of school.

Text: Rares Munteanu

Fotos: Noreen Nasar

SISS IB DP May 2023 Results

IB GRADUATES 2023.2Congratulations to all our 37 IB students who have successfully finished their two-year IB diploma programme this summer of 2023!

You can find the detailed results and statistics HERE.

IB coordinator SISS Secondary

W. Scheuerpflug


SISS Year 9 visit to the Dachau concentration camp memorial site in Bavaria

On Monday, July 17, 2023, the students of year nine visited the Dachau concentration camp memorial site in Bavaria.

The site is a place for people to mourn those who suffered, along with being a reminder of the past so nobody forgets the dark period of Germany's history. Although the camp functioned as a prison, not as one of their extermination camps, over one-fifth of the people who had spent time there died.

In 1933, right after Hitler came into power, the camp was built as the first concentration camp in Germany. Hitler sent his political enemies there. Over time, Hitler expanded the use of his prison to criminals, homosexuals, and Jews. The camp was only closed after World War 2 in 1945.

Topics such as concentration camps are tough, but it's vital to stop repeating the past. Many students believed visiting the site was an emotional journey, a feeling that could only be experienced by physically being in the place where it all happened.

Text: Amelia Erler, 9bSISS

2023 SISS Walkathon

walkathon.2023We are overjoyed to report on the accomplishments of the SISS Walkathon 2023, which took place on June 17 at the Seeheim Christian-Stock-Stadion. Over 150 people from our school community and beyond attended the event, which was planned in partnership with Oxfam. Alexander Kreissl, the mayor of Seeheim, joined us as we set off on a special journey to help underprivileged children.

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SISS Careers Day 2023

20230607 132818On Wednesday, June 7th SISS Secondary hosted the annual Careers Day event. Professionals from local industries offered nine workshops in the fields advertising, aviation, construction, communications in the pharmaceutical industry, energy trading, international development, industrial research and intellectual property, life coaching and the space industry.

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IB final exams 2023


The SISS Leadership Team, together with all staff members and the school community, wish you the very best for your final IB exams!

W. Scheuerpflug
IB Coordinator

Diese Datei herunterladen (IB_Exams May2023 Timetable.pdf)IB_Exams May2023 Timetable.pdf2023-04-26 17:57

IGCSE Exams 2023

Good luck on your exams!
You've worked hard for this exam, so give your best effort!
Best wishes from the teaching team

tinywow IGCSE Exams Timetable 2023 21037611 1

IB diploma programme 2023 – 2025 Information Meeting

thumb g8ea82953f 640Save the date for the upcoming IB information meeting with the IB coordinator on March 15th, 2023, starting at 7 PM.

Visitors are welcome, however most importantly the meeting focuses on Year 10 parents and students, also Year 9.

The place is in the Atrium of building 41.

Please read the update of our IB diploma programme which you will find in the download section or HERE.

(W.Scheuerpflug / IB coordinator)

Foto: Pixabay

Statement regarding new applicants to Year 7 and Year 8 (school year 2022/2023)

This statement applies to parents of children whose date of birth is between 01 July 2008 and 30 June 2010.

We are writing to inform you that we are currently extremely full in years 7 and 8. For this reason we are not able to invite your child for an entrance assessment.

We will keep your application on record for the remainder of this school year and we will contact you if any opportunities arise.

Please note that this is a decision based on internal constraints and we cannot reply to further enquiries due to the amount of applicants.

We wish you all the best for any future plans.

Kind regards,

Secondary leadership team (Schuldorf Bergstrasse)

Diese Datei herunterladen (Website_Statement regarding new applicants to Y7 and Y8.pdf)Website_Statement regarding new applicants to Y7 and Y8.pdf2022-11-14 15:46

IB assessment-deadline calendars 22/23

A new school year has started and we wish you the very best for the upcoming diploma programme. Please check the respective calendars for good time- and self-management of your studies.

You can find the Year 11 calendar HERE.

And the Year 12 calendar HERE.

W.Scheuerpflug (IB Coordinator SISS Secondary)

IB diplomas and results 2022

2022 07 08 IB Ceremony Y11pics 233Congratulations to all our 36 IB students, who successfully finished their two-year IB diploma programme during the most difficult time one could imagine!

You can find the detailed results and statistics HERE

W.Scheuerpflug (IB coordinator SISS Secondary)2022 07 08 IB Ceremony Y11pics 3

Anerkennung des „International Baccalaureate Diploma/Diplôme du Baccalauréat International“ als Hochschulzugangsberechtigung

IB students who would like their IB diploma to be recognized by the HKM to study in Germany, the “Allgemeine Hochschulzugangsberechtigung”, need to read the following documents carefully and prepare documents in advance in order to apply at university in time. 

IB coordinator W.Scheuerpflug

IB Final Exams 2022

IB 2022The SISS Leadership Team, together with all staff members, and the school community, wish you the very best for your final exams!

W. Scheuerpflug
IB Coordinator

Diese Datei herunterladen (IB_Exam-Timetable 2022.pdf)IB_Exam-Timetable 2022.pdf2022-04-08 13:06


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