IB-Diplome werden am Freitag überreicht

P1070706Am Freitag, dem 08.07.2016 ab 19 Uhr, werden den Absolventinnen und Absolventen des internationalen Schulzweigs die IB-Diplome feierlich überreicht. Es ist der erste Jahrgang, der am Schuldorf das Abschlusszeugnis des International Baccalaureat (IB) in Empfang nehmen kann und die Schulgemeinde gratuliert den Schülerinnen und Schülern, die gemeinsam mit ihren Familien, Lehrern und Freunden am Freitag feiern können. Die Veranstaltung findet in Gebäude 41 (SISS) statt.

Die Berichterstattung im Darmstädter Echo finden Sie hier

"The Jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling

Jungle book cast 2016SISS Drama Club presents on Saturday 2nd July at 6 pm in building 41 the story of little Mowgli.
Stolen by a man-eating tiger and rescued and brought up by wolves, Mowgli must overcome both man and beast to become master of the jungle. Along the way he is befriended by a bear and a black panther, both much beloved in the disney cartoon. In the original version by Kipling, who
grew up in India, we learn the value of brotherhood through the jungle law and see if he will overcome both treachery and cruelty. Drama club range from year 5 to year 11 and have been involved in all aspects of this production
from acting to directing, designing, making and technical, led by Mr Gunderson with help from parents.
We look forward to welcoming you to our show!

International Festival on 18th of June 2016

P1070706The Festival Committee is delighted to inform you that the 6th SISS International Festival will take place on the afternoon of Saturday 18th June this year between 13:00 and 16:00 at SISS! The general theme will be ‘diversity’, giving us the opportunity to celebrate and experience global culture.

Thank you very much to the wider Community for your support in contributing to the festival.

Visual Arts Exhibition

IBArt3IB Visual Arts students took part in the first ever exam by presenting their work in the form of an exhibition which they curated themselves. Johanna Glover's work challenges traditional assumptions regarding the co-existence of cultures and species. You can see this in her presentation of African myths and Kente cloth with beetles, metamorphosis and decay across a range of media.

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IB-Schüler präsentieren Internal Assessments

EwaEinige Schülerinnen und Schüler des Jahrgangs 12 führten am 15.03.2016 in Kurzvorträgen durch die Ergebnisse ihrer Studien für die Abschlussprüfung des Internationalen Baccalaureate (IB). Dies geschah im Rahmen einer Informationsveranstaltung, bei der von Lehrerin Ewa Schmöckel die Unterschiede zwischen dem Hessischen Landesabitur und dem IB-Diploma Programm dargestellt wurden. Die Besonderheiten der praxisorientierten Fächer Geographie, Biologie, Chemie und Physik präsentierten Ewa Hahn, Melisa Wartusch, Nils Kerwer, Tim Kircher, Ashwin Kumar und Tom Maicher.

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Outstanding Cambridge Learner Award

Cara Meyer2Die Schülerin Cara Meyer Yepez hat im Fach "First Language English, Count in Oral" im Rahmen der IGCSE-Prüfungen im Sommer 2015 die maximale Punktzahl erreicht und damit das deutschlandweit beste Ergebnis erzielt. 

Die IGCSE-Prüfungen werden in mindestens fünf Fächern am Internationalen Schulzweig des Schuldorfs nach der Klasse 10 abgelegt und entsprechen einem mittleren Schulabschluss.

Wir gratulieren herzlich zu dieser überragenden Leistung! 


WC16 DSC 1131 A„Was der Weihnachtsmann macht, das können wir schon lange!“...

Mit diesen Worten stiegen die vorwitzigen Wichtel (IB 11 Chemistry Gruppe der SISS) in ihre Show am 11.12. 2015 ein.

Nachdem im vergangenen Jahr die year 4 students der SISS elementary zur “Winter Chemistry“ eingeladen waren, kamen diesmal die Viertklässler des Schuldorfs zur „Weihnachtschemie“- in deutscher Sprache in den Chemieraum der SISS.

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Welcome to the Library

LibrarygesamtThe SISS Secondary Library is located in building 41 (new building, old bus stop) in the center of the school building. Opening hours are from 7.30 am till 3.00 pm from Monday through Friday, the library is closed during the big break only.

The library collection consists of 3000 different media and which includes a wide range of age appropriate materials like non-fiction and fiction books, digital resources, journals and audio-books. Two books can be borrowed for a period of two weeks always with the possibility to extend the date.  Our library is a quiet working place to create a study atmosphere for students.

Our goal is to support students in their life-long learning process and to encourage self-organization and study skills. Professional support will be given at any time. Different workshops and projects are offered within the lessons to strengthen skills in media and information literacy.Laptops can be borrowed for educational reasons (e.g. research, homework or work on projects) and can be used in the library only.

A special area is reserved for our IB students which includes reference books (cannot be borrowed) and also other subjectIBEcke related textbooks, specific literature and revision guides.  We always rely on support to offer a varied and updated media collection which is important to support the interest in reading and reading abilities in general.  Donations are very welcome but please only bring age appropriate books in a good condition and please do not bring any books that are older than ten years.

Since the very beginning the library has been supported by the Förderverein Internationale Schule und Preschool, therefore we were able to purchase various items and our media collection can still be extended and updated in the future.

ArbeitsplätzeFor any questions or further information please contact the library via email: SISS.Secondary.Library@schuldorf.de 

Contact for careers

Contact for careers and further study advice in Germany:

Please click HERE for detailed information on how to get in touch with the Bundesagentur für Arbeit for careers and study advice in Germany. The summary of the BIZ presentation (from 1st March 2023) can be found HERE.

If you would like advice on  careers choices or study within Germany at post 16 or 18 years of age, we recommend that you arrange an appointment with our representative from the ‘Bundesagentur für Arbeit’, Herr Heckmann.  

Appointments should be made by contacting Frau Wolf on this email: j.wolf@schulen.ladadi.de - Mr Heckmann’s email address contact is: Thomas.Heckmann@arbeitsagentur.de

Mr Heckmann has access to a range of information about courses and further/higher education institutes in Germany. He is also able to set up self-questionnaires that can guide you on future choices and directions that may be appropriate. Please note that Mr Heckmann has a consultation session on specific days in the month and appointments need to be arranged well in advance. 

Kimberly Obermeier


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