Exhibition out of the Suitcase

Aus dem Koffer2 CopyOn  14.6. In 2018 the "Art & Design students - years 9 and up" of the SISS and the art students of the Q2 of the Gymnasium were invited to a special event: Students from the Hochschule für Gestaltung Darmstadt presented their "Exhibition out of the Suitcase" (Ausstellung aus dem Koffer).

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Ausstellung aus dem Koffer

Aus dem Koffer2 CopyAm 14.6. 2018 waren die  „Art & Design students -  years 9 and up“  der SISS  und  die  Kunst-SchülerInnen der Q2 des Gymnasiums zu einer besonderen  Veranstaltung eingeladen: Studierende der Hochschule für Gestaltung in Darmstadt präsentierten ihre „Ausstellung aus dem Koffer“.

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Drama Club presents Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast 2018You are most welcome to come and watch the performance of Beauty and the Beast by Drama Club this Friday 18th May in the Aula at 7pm. There will be refreshments on offer before and after (doors open 6:30pm). This promises to be a fun and accessible performance in English language. 

Walkathon wird 10 Jahre alt!

WalkathonDer diesjährige Walkathon feiert sein 10. Jubiläum In den letzten Jahren konnten 85.000 Euro für verschiedene Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen gesammelt werden und das Ziel ist es nun, mit dem diesjährigen Walkathon die 100.000 Euro-Grenze zu überschreiten. Als Sponsoren-Projekt haben sich die CAS Schülerinnen und Schüler der SISS ein Wasserprojekt in Uganda ausgesucht, das von der Wohltätigkeitsorganisation Viva con Aqua unterstützt wird.

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Sheik Ghassan Manasra zu Gast am Schuldorf

Manasra3Last week Schuldorf Bergstraße had a really extraordinary event at school. Sheik Ghassan Manasra and his daughter Sisi from Nazareth, a Sufi peace builder, visited Schuldorf Bergstraße and talked about the work of Abrahamic Reunion, a organisation who brings People from Israelian and Palestinian background together at one table with the intention of not talking about each other but talking to each other.

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Schüler nehmen an Lmuna-Konferenz in Arnheim teil

people 2789522 640"Vor einigen Wochen haben 8 Delegierte der MUNSISS an der Lmuna Konferenz, einer Simulation der Vereinten Nationen in Arnheim, Holland teilgenommen. Als Repräsentanten der Ukraine waren unsere Schüler in den Hauptausschüssen, UN- Generalversammlung, Sicherheitsrat, Menschenrechtsausschuss tätig. Vom 6. bis zum 8. Oktober haben wir recherchiert, debattiert, Beschlüsse geschrieben und mit Bedacht an Wahlen teilgenommen.

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IGCSE Results of the June 2017 Series 

The students of the SISS took their IGCSE examinations from April to June 2017 in the following subjects: German, English, Maths, Coordinated Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Spanish or French, History or/and Geography, Art & Design and Music. The overall results this year were outstanding! The administration congratulates the year 10 students for their successful performance. Furthermore, a big THANKS to all the teachers who did such a great job! 

W.Scheuerpflug (IGCSE Coordinator)  

Diese Datei herunterladen (IGCSE results 2017.pdf)IGCSE results 2017.pdf2017-09-05 07:45

Y4 and Y11 IB students doing chemistry together!

Chemistry show1Our IB Grade 11 Chemistry class recently held an interactive lesson for the 4th Grade at SISS Primary. We were all excited to be doing another experimental lesson after our successful Christmas Show in December. Our teacher, Ms Schmöckel came up with a fun title for our show; "What do we do with CO2?". For the first part of our show we assisted the Year 4 students with a challenging but fun experiment, using water, calcium tablets, an indicator, and fire.

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Walkathon 2017 - Don´t miss it!

walkathon2017poster 1We want you to join us at the Walkathon this year! Where we will 'Give without borders' together benefitting Medecins Sans Frontieres, MSF (Doctors without Borders, Ärzte ohne Grenzen). The 9th annual Walkathon will take place on Saturday MAY 13th at the Christian Stock Stadion. The event is being run by a year 11 IB CAS group.

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Die SchoolJam-Finalsten 2017 stehen fest!

Schooljam 2017

Amelie, Milan, Sean, Filip and Adeline haben es geschafft! Sie treten beim großen SchoolJam-Finale im Rahmen der Musikmesse Frankfurt am 07.04.2017 ab 15.00 Uhr auf dem Messegelände auf. Die Berichterstattung im Darmstädter Echo finden Sie hier

Wir gratulieren der Band und danken allen, die sich an der Abstimmung beteiligt haben! 

Invitation Talent show 2017

There will be the Secondary Talent Show coming up on Saturday, March 25 in the Aula. You will be able to purchase food and drink before the show from 18:00 on (and during the intermission). The show begins at 18:30 and will last approximately 3 hours, including two intermissions. You find more information in the attachment. 

Diese Datei herunterladen (Talent show 2017.pdf)Talent show 2017.pdf2017-03-19 17:25

Your online vote counts!

Schooljam 2017Help the E.P. Street Band qualify for the German National finals of SCHOOLJAM at the Frankfurt Music Messe, April 2017!

Links to vote for E.P. Street in the German national school band competition:


So... that means you are allowed 5 votes daily through Sunday, Mar. 19!

Thank you so much for your support. - Amelie, Milan, Sean, Filip and Adeline 

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"E.P. Street" is one of the top 18 school bands in Germany

School jam 2017SISS school band "E.P. Street" won the regional finals of SCHOOL JAM last Thursday evening in „DAS BETT“ in Frankfurt. It was half past eight when the band leader of AberHallo, winner of SchoolJam 2016 and this evening also presenter of the regional finals in „DAS BETT“ in Frankfurt, asked the audience for a drum-roll to underline the dramatic atmosphere when he finally announced the two winning bands of the evening: „And the second band that most impressed the jury this night is: E.P. Street!“

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Weihnachts-Chemie-Show an der SISS

In diesem Jahr waren die Klassen 6a und 6b des H/R- Zweigs zur Chemie- Show in den internationalen Schulzweig (Secondary) eingeladen worden. Diesmal traten die grünen „Grinches“ gegen die Weihnachtselfen an, um eindrucksvoll vorzuführen, warum „Feuer und Eis“ gegensätzliche Kräfte sind! Zum Glück konnte am Ende der Weihnachtsmann für Frieden sorgen und alle mit einem Geschenk erfreuen, das sowohl bei heißen, als auch frostigen Temperaturen großen Anklang findet!

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IGCSE Ceremony 2016

IGCSE 2016 - Zum Vergrößern bitte anklickenOn the evening the 9th of November year 11 had their IGCSE ceremony during which all students who had passed the exams received their certificates. The events started off with speeches from Mrs. Martini-Appel, Mr. Szartowicz and Mr. Scheuerpflug. Next the students were called to the stage to get their certificates.

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DSC 0640AThe students at the International School outperformed themselves in this year's IGCSE exams in May/June. Compared to the worldwide average of scores both in the categories "achieving a C or above" and "achieving an A or A*" the results were better for all the subjects!

Congratulations to this superb performance! W.Scheuerpflug, IGCSE Coordinator

Diese Datei herunterladen (IGCSE RESULTS SISS - WORLDWIDE 2016.pdf)IGCSE RESULTS SISS - WORLDWIDE 2016.pdf2016-11-10 06:58

IGCSE Awards Ceremony

At 5:30 PM on Wednesday, November 9th, the SISS will hold its annual awards ceremony for the students who successfully passed their IGCSE exams in May/June 2016. This year will be the first time when the students will be honored for their outstanding work in a 2-hour-long ceremony finishing with refreshments generously provided by the parents of this year's classes 10a and 10b. The musical program has kindly been prepared by the music teacher Sven Adelberger. We are all looking forward to this event with music, speeches and the handout of the certificates - the equivalent to the Mittlere Reife Zeugnisse - to the students. 

W.Scheuerpflug, IGCSE Coordinator

Diese Datei herunterladen (IGCSE Awards Ceremony Invitation 2016.pdf)IGCSE Awards Ceremony Invitation 2016.pdf2016-11-09 08:26

Fieldtrip of 8bSISS to the Oberwaldhaus - let´s get wet!

Oberwaldhaus 2After having studied many aspects of biology and chemistry in aquatic systems in the SISS lab rooms during the school year, 8bSISS students thought the time had come to get the taste of a real life experience. They therefore set out for a field trip to the Oberwaldhaus, Darmstadt, with their science teacher Mrs Schmöckel and their class teacher Mr Scheuerpflug during the last week before the summer holidays. 

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Walkathon 2016 was a great success!

Walkathon 2016We would like to thank all parents and participants for your support of this year's walkathon, it was another tremendous success thanks to all of you! For German Cancer Aid, your efforts raised €10,050! We are so proud of all of you! 

This year, as you know, we were able to include a great group of 6 year 11 CAS students. They were a welcome addition and definitely breathed new life into the fun-filled event. CAS student involvement will continue in future walkathons.

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Exkursion nach Weimar

Blick ins UrbinozimmerVom 26. bis 29.01.2016 unternahm der Kurs HL-German A von Frau Baum eine Exkursion nach Weimar. Als Leckerbissen für die mutigen Schülerinnen und Schüler gedacht, die sich auf die hohen Anforderungen der HL-Kurses einließen, wurde die Studienfahrt zu einem sehr schönen und entspannten Ausflug in eine der wichtigsten Städte deutscher Literatur.

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Farewell Assembly at SISS

DSC 0640AIn building 41 Mrs Martini-Appel and Mr Rupert Toogood said goodbye to teachers, teaching assistants and students who will leave Secondary. We have to say goodbye to Mrs Noreen Nasar, Mrs Laura Weise, Mrs Angela MacPherson, Mrs Sonja Zimmermann, Mrs Bernadette Morres, Mrs Brittaney Meyer, Mr Andrew Schofield, Mr Rafal Milerski and Mr Ian MacDougall. We wish them all the best for the future and hope to welcome them at our school again. 


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