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Statement regarding new applicants to Year 7 and Year 8 (school year 2022/2023)

This statement applies to parents of children whose date of birth is between 01 July 2008 and 30 June 2010.

We are writing to inform you that we are currently extremely full in years 7 and 8. For this reason we are not able to invite your child for an entrance assessment.

We will keep your application on record for the remainder of this school year and we will contact you if any opportunities arise.

Please note that this is a decision based on internal constraints and we cannot reply to further enquiries due to the amount of applicants.

We wish you all the best for any future plans.

Kind regards,

Secondary leadership team (Schuldorf Bergstrasse)

Diese Datei herunterladen (Website_Statement regarding new applicants to Y7 and Y8.pdf)Website_Statement regarding new applicants to Y7 and Y8.pdf2022-11-14 15:46