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Sheik Ghassan Manasra zu Gast am Schuldorf

Manasra3Last week Schuldorf Bergstraße had a really extraordinary event at school. Sheik Ghassan Manasra and his daughter Sisi from Nazareth, a Sufi peace builder, visited Schuldorf Bergstraße and talked about the work of Abrahamic Reunion, a organisation who brings People from Israelian and Palestinian background together at one table with the intention of not talking about each other but talking to each other.

When he said, that each student in the audience would be hope for the world, they were very surprised and touched. It was really an extraordinary afternoon with an extraordinary man. There are plans to continue next summer with a peace building workshop for a group of students. The text was written by Dietmar Burkhardt (counselar).   Manasra4Manasra 2