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SISS Acts for Charity a Tenth Year!

Nothing is more inspirational than crowds of students walking under blazing heat for a good cause. This year’s 10th walkathon was just as motivating as the other ones, with pupils, parents and even teachers running laps to raise money for a purpose they believe in. The money raised this time was for kids in Uganda, who have limited access to clean drinking water and proper toilets.

With the help of our charity “Viva con Agua” the event was organized and took place on the 27th of May. All the proceeds made were given to these children to help them achieve their set of basic human needs. More specifically, the money we raised will improve the local water supply, build three wells, many rainwater collecting systems and storage tanks. The proceeds will also create a hygienic waste system, which will reduce contaminated water and the spreading of diseases. Proceeds were achieved by those who ran or walked laps for one hour and thirty minutes from 3-4:30. Accompanied by an optional 5k run, traditional Zumba and even a special event.

Despite the intense heat the participants persisted throughout the whole event to run for their sponsors and achieve their goals. Luckily snacks were being served and music played to add more fun to the event, towards the end it even started to drizzle a little. A good way to cool off after a long run under the sun. There was even a book sale! The whole event only took place because of our committed organizers and the CAS student team.

On the 15th of June, the closing assembly took place, revealing that we raised over 9500€ and that we covered over 1500km. The assembly also congratulated the people who stood out because of the number of sponsors, laps or money they raised.

written by Khushii Guptaedited by Lucy Deon (year 8)