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Cinema Trip Excursion

IMG 6982On the 18th of October 2023 the Year 9 classes of SISS went to the cinema to watch the movie “Oppenheimer”.

The movie is written by Christopher Nolan and is about the brilliant scientist Dr J Robert Oppenheimer. The movie deals with the life of the theoretical scientist Oppenheimer as well as the development of the bomb and the consequences of a weapon of mass destruction. The actors are talented, and the cast includes the likes of Cillian Murphy, Robert Downey Jr and Florence Pugh.

Rated 8.5 on IMDB.com, the movie was well received by most of theIMG 6986 students as it had incredible elements that appeal to a lot of people. This includes great visual effects, a refined storyline, accurate representations of events and people and overall, a feel of amazing cinematic quality. The experience was excellent, and the year group is very thankful. This was also a good opportunity for the class to spend some time together outside of school.

Text: Rares Munteanu

Fotos: Noreen Nasar

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