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Heidelberg Excursion

siss heidelbergOn the 4th of June, the year 9 Classes have embarked on an educational trip to the university town of Heidelberg. This excursion was planned as a break for the student in the wake of upcoming exams.

The day began with departure from the Bickenbach Bahnhof and arrival at the old city, home to famous locations such as the Heidelberg Castle, the city university and the Church of the Holy Spirit. Teamed up with friendly tour guides, the year 9 classes have explored the old city and its monuments, along with the more modern, 1.6 km long shopping line.
Students expressed enthusiasm for this opportunity and the trip appealed to the year group on grounds of the old city’s fascinating history and the introduction of a new palate of touristic delights to the year group. The student thank Mr. Groha and Ms. Sommer for organizing this trip.

Text and Picture: Goutham Alluru

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