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Visual Arts Exhibition

IBArt3IB Visual Arts students took part in the first ever exam by presenting their work in the form of an exhibition which they curated themselves. Johanna Glover's work challenges traditional assumptions regarding the co-existence of cultures and species. You can see this in her presentation of African myths and Kente cloth with beetles, metamorphosis and decay across a range of media.

IB Art2Sina Grebrodt meanwhile took as her theme the dismantling of the inner workings of human experience. Her exhibition included photography, installation and painting. One favourite piece called 'preserve the fish!' showed a fish preserved in jelly with a white rose under 74 suspended fish hooks, which the artist says highlights the delicate balance between conserving fish numbers and the gratification and gruesomeness of our culture.


Both students hope to go on to study art at University in the Netherlands.



The text is written by Phil Gunderson (teacher for Arts at SISS Secondary).

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