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IGCSE Ceremony 2016

IGCSE 2016 - Zum Vergrößern bitte anklickenOn the evening the 9th of November year 11 had their IGCSE ceremony during which all students who had passed the exams received their certificates. The events started off with speeches from Mrs. Martini-Appel, Mr. Szartowicz and Mr. Scheuerpflug. Next the students were called to the stage to get their certificates.

Emilio Seifert and Christine Keil also said a few words about how our grade had experienced the exams and other memories we had shared. Eoin McCorry continued to thank the teachers for preparing and getting us through the IGCSE’s. They all got to take home a chocolate bear as a sign of appreciation.

Thanks to the 10th graders there was food and drinks for everyone whilst a dia-show of old, heartwarming photos was shown. It was an evening to celebrate the great accomplishments that the 11th graders are very proud of and they are happy to have spent it with friends and family.

The text was written by Isa Kuijper (IGCSE student).

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