New Books for our Library

libraryWe are grateful to announce that new books have been added to the library collection thanks to the generous support of logo_siss_friends.png.

Exciting stories and interesting facts are waiting to be discovered by the library patrons!

Text and Photo: Lisa Thiesing

IGCSE Final Exams Timetable June 2024

ExamimageWe wish you all the best for your final IGCSE exams!

Ms Nasar

Diese Datei herunterladen (IGCSE_Exams_Timetable_2024.pdf)IGCSE_Exams_Timetable_2024.pdf2024-04-22 12:24

MakerLab faces tough competition in the state Jugend forscht competition

Jugend forscht Plakat 2024Four of the eight research projects submitted by the Jugend forscht MakerLab of the Schuldorf won their respective regional competitions at the beginning of February. They therefore competed in March in the respective state competitions "Schüler experimentieren" (UNI Kassel) for pupils under 15 years of age and "Jugend forscht" (Merck Darmstadt) for the age group 15 years and older.

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IB Final Exams Timetable May 2024

ib 24The SISS Staff and the school community wish you the very best for your final IB exams!

W. Scheuerpflug
IB Coordinator

Diese Datei herunterladen (IB_FINAL EXAMS TIMETABLE_MAY_2024.pdf)IB_FINAL EXAMS TIMETABLE_MAY_2024.pdf2024-04-14 08:57

MakerLab in the battle for the state crown in the Jugend forscht competition

Jugend forscht Plakat 2024Four projects from the Jugend forscht MakerLab at at Schuldorf Bergstraße won their category in the regional competition at the beginning of February and will now compete again in the state competition. The state competition "Schüler experimentieren" took place in Kassel from March 16 to 17. From March 20 to 21, the state competition in the "Jugend forscht" category takes place at Merck in Darmstadt for pupils aged 15 and over.

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