IB Diploma Programme 2021-2023 at SISS

Please read the information about next year's diploma programme here at SISS Secondary carefully. 

IB Year 11 Calendar

Please find the update of the assessment and deadline calendar for 2020/2021 in the attachment below and in the download section.

Diese Datei herunterladen (Y11 - exams-calendar -2020-2021.update..pdf)Y11 - exams-calendar -2020-2021.update..pdf2021-03-03 08:03

IB final exams take place in May 2021

The IBO announced yesterday the following: “Based on the information provided by your school and in line with local or national health and safety restrictions you are considered able to administer examinations, therefore your students will be awarded results through the examination route.” If the situation between now and exams changes for our school due to mandated school closure, government restrictions or mandated quarantine, we will inform the IBO immediately highlighting the specific scenario affecting our school.

The leadership team and SISS staff wish all our Year 12 students the very best for May exams!

German recognition of IB diploma at SISS Secondary

SBS SISS Secondary has signed a special agreement with the IBO to allow German Abitur equivalency recognition of our IB Mathematics SL Courses

The German Education Ministers’ Conference (KMK) has provided confirmation that IB diplomas which include a DP mathematics course at standard level (SL) can be recognized as the “allgemeine Hochschulzugangsberechtigung” (general university entrance qualification) equivalent to the German Abitur.

The signed agreement will result in our current Year 12 students already benefiting from the change! We believe that this change will offer more of our students the opportunity to have broader access to German universities than the original, more restrictive general recognition agreement, which was announced by the KMK in March 2019.

The leadership team and Mrs Martini-Appel are confident that this new development will have a positive impact for all stakeholders of SISS Secondary. 

Wolfgang Scheuerpflug

IB Coordinator
Schuldorf-Bergstraße / State International School Seeheim

Diese Datei herunterladen (German recognition of IB diploma at SISS Secondary.pdf)German recognition of IB diploma at SISS Secondary.pdf2021-02-12 16:35

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