IB Diploma Programme at SISS - 2020 – 2022

You are looking for information on our IB DP here at SISS? Courses that we offer? Want to find out more about the IB DP in general? Understand the entry requirements for the IB DP?Or have questions about the “Anerkennung des IB Diplomas in Deutschland?” 

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Year 11 / 12 students at the “Britische Hochschulmesse” at Frankfurt University

Britische Hochschulmesse 1 2019So, what’s next? College? If yes, what should I take? Which choices are best for my career? Will I need to move? These are all questions which arise to us, one day or another. After the IGCSE, we start entering an age at which these questions become relevant to us and we start asking ourselves what the next steps might be. The current year 11 and 12 students of SISS feel this ever so present pressure of decision making coming closer and closer.

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Chess Trophy

schach2On Tuesday 5th of November the Chess Team of Schuldorf Bergstraße took part in the Schulschachpokal competition where more than 100 teams fought for a trophy. Our team has managed to win the cup without loosing any game in WK 2 group  (students over 14 yeyars). In WK 4 group our team came 4th, a very good result fort the first participation in this group age. Congratulations to our students and Mr. Munteanu who supported the students.

Updated Y11/12 Timetable

Please read the new timetable carefully as some changes were made and new assessment or other dates have been added. 


IB Coordinator

State International School Seeheim-Jugenheim

Schuldorf Bergstraße 

Diese Datei herunterladen (Jahresplan_2019-20_year 11-12.26112019.pdf)Jahresplan_2019-20_year 11-12.26112019.pdf2019-11-27 12:14

Assessment calendar 2019/2020 for year 11 and 12

The new assessment calendar 2019/2020 for year 11 and 12 is now online.

W.Scheuerpflug (IB Coordinator SISS)

Diese Datei herunterladen (Jahresplan_2019-20_year 11-12.04092019.pdf)Jahresplan_2019-20_year 11-12.04092019.pdf2019-09-06 11:29

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