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The Vanishing Room

etfTogether, we, the English basic course under the tutelage of Mrs. Ebert, convened on the evening of September 21st to partake in the performance at the English Theater Frankfurt known as "Vanishing Room." We embarked on a temporal journey, transcending into the 19th century, and delved into the exclusive world of a private club concealed within the heart of London.

The youthful portier, bearing the name Daniel, followed the ambitious aspiration to pay homage to the club’s exclusivity and conscientiously fulfill the desires of its esteemed members.

Unbeknownst to him, he found himself entangled in shadowy intrigues and crimes which found their way from book burnings to abuses of power to murder. Can the club succeed in safeguarding the closely guarded secret, preserved for over two centuries, from the prying eyes of the external world?

The scenery of deep dark wooden furniture, ornate golden picture frames and magnificent chandeliers casting a shimmering glow from flickering candlelight skilfully put us, the audience, within the heart of the unfolding narrative. The dedication with which the actors embraced their roles became profound, notably when the portier Daniel, in his quest for sleep, suddenly witnessed the bed beneath him collapsing. Although the play itself was sufficiently riveting, the entire audience was rendered keenly alert following the resonant crash.

After this unforeseen special effect of a special kind and a brief break, the reconstructed bed was gracefully returned to the stage in all its former opulence and the amusement, or rather murder, successfully continued its course.

Text: Sonja Haake (Q3) / Foto: Annette Ebert

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