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Elections – Parents’ Evening

Parent class representatives (PR), consisting of one Chair and one Deputy, shall be elected every 2 years, within 6 weeks after the new academic year begins. This is done by secret ballot and in separate ballots for each position. How the election is conducted and the formalities to be observed can be found in the parent representative election procedures.

The Election Night

The first parents' evening always follows similar procedures. All parents are invited and most do attend. The class teacher welcomes the parents and already has the necessary ballots and election forms ready.

Information before Election

Nobody expects parents to make an uninformed decision. Parents should be briefly informed that evening of their rights and the expectations of the posts. This may be done by former class parent representatives or by the school’s parent representative chairs. The new class parents should be introduced. Information is also available on the Internet and can be found under the link "Schulrecht” (School rights) on the “Hessische Schulgesetz“ website under §100 on parental rights.


Before the elections the quorum must be checked. There must be at least 5 parents present. Should this not be the case, invitations for a second Parents’ Election evening must be issued within five days. If a quorum can still not be reached, the election is cancelled and the class will not be represented in the school’s parents' association.


All parents who have a child in the class and are "parents" as defined by the Education Act (i.e. legal guardians) are eligible for election. A list of electors (voters list) should be made this evening on the forms provided.

The Election Committee

To carry out the election an election committee is elected. This can be done in an open ballot (show of hands). Anyone selected may vote, but can not run for parent representative! Their tasks are:

- Collect nominations
- Check list of electors
- Distribute ballots
- Collect ballots
- Enumerate votes
- Announce voting results
- Ask the elected candidate if they accept the office
- Fill election record


Candidates are proposed or volunteer themselves. The nominees introduce themselves and answer any questions from the parents. Then the electors fill out the ballot, in accordance with the provisions of the Electoral Code. Should there be a tie in votes, then there must be a run-off. If another tie vote occurs, then the winner shall be chosen by lottery. There shall be a separate vote for each position. The Chair parent representative is elected in the first ballot, the Deputy in the second ballot. The candidate receiving the most valid votes is elected. Those elected must then declare whether they accept the post.

Election Documents

The election ballots and forms remain with the newly elected Chair parent representative for the duration of their tenure. Note: names and contact details of the newly elected parent representatives must be submitted to the school secretary so that the relevant lists can be updated!


Please remember that you, as the elected parent representatives, remain in office until the next election(!) so that information from the GEB (General Parents’ Association) can be forwarded to you at the beginning of each school year to guarantee the flow of information to parents.

Interim Election

When a parent representative must resign from office due to personal reasons, or because their child changes classes/schools, then a new representative shall be elected within 6 weeks. This also applies if classes are divided or merged.

These newly elected representatives are elected only for the remainder of the term!

Wishing you a lot of success in the election! :)
Your Board GEB SBS

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