IGCSE Awards Ceremony

At 5:30 PM on Wednesday, November 9th, the SISS will hold its annual awards ceremony for the students who successfully passed their IGCSE exams in May/June 2016. This year will be the first time when the students will be honored for their outstanding work in a 2-hour-long ceremony finishing with refreshments generously provided by the parents of this year's classes 10a and 10b. The musical program has kindly been prepared by the music teacher Sven Adelberger. We are all looking forward to this event with music, speeches and the handout of the certificates - the equivalent to the Mittlere Reife Zeugnisse - to the students. 

W.Scheuerpflug, IGCSE Coordinator

Diese Datei herunterladen (IGCSE Awards Ceremony Invitation 2016.pdf)IGCSE Awards Ceremony Invitation 2016.pdf2016-11-09 08:26

Fieldtrip of 8bSISS to the Oberwaldhaus - let´s get wet!

Oberwaldhaus 2After having studied many aspects of biology and chemistry in aquatic systems in the SISS lab rooms during the school year, 8bSISS students thought the time had come to get the taste of a real life experience. They therefore set out for a field trip to the Oberwaldhaus, Darmstadt, with their science teacher Mrs Schmöckel and their class teacher Mr Scheuerpflug during the last week before the summer holidays. 

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You find projects and activities for 2016/2017 and general information about supervision in the appendix!

Walkathon 2016 was a great success!

Walkathon 2016We would like to thank all parents and participants for your support of this year's walkathon, it was another tremendous success thanks to all of you! For German Cancer Aid, your efforts raised €10,050! We are so proud of all of you! 

This year, as you know, we were able to include a great group of 6 year 11 CAS students. They were a welcome addition and definitely breathed new life into the fun-filled event. CAS student involvement will continue in future walkathons.

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Exkursion nach Weimar

Blick ins UrbinozimmerVom 26. bis 29.01.2016 unternahm der Kurs HL-German A von Frau Baum eine Exkursion nach Weimar. Als Leckerbissen für die mutigen Schülerinnen und Schüler gedacht, die sich auf die hohen Anforderungen der HL-Kurses einließen, wurde die Studienfahrt zu einem sehr schönen und entspannten Ausflug in eine der wichtigsten Städte deutscher Literatur.

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