IB Final Exams 2021

IB 2021 1The SISS Leadership Team, together with all staff members, and the school community, wish you the very best for your final exams!

W. Scheuerpflug
IB Coordinator IB 2021 2

IB Exams Timetable April-May 2021

“Study Leave” this year starts April 19th. The first exams will take place 29th April.

During Study Leave, students can still meet with subject course teachers individually if they have questions.

Good luck for your IB exams!

W.Scheuerpflug / IB Coordinator SISS Secondary


Diese Datei herunterladen (IB_Exam_Timetable_29.03.21.pdf)IB_Exam_Timetable_29.03.21.pdf2021-03-31 08:24

IB final exams take place in May 2021

The IBO announced yesterday the following: “Based on the information provided by your school and in line with local or national health and safety restrictions you are considered able to administer examinations, therefore your students will be awarded results through the examination route.” If the situation between now and exams changes for our school due to mandated school closure, government restrictions or mandated quarantine, we will inform the IBO immediately highlighting the specific scenario affecting our school.

The leadership team and SISS staff wish all our Year 12 students the very best for May exams!

German recognition of IB diploma at SISS Secondary

SBS SISS Secondary has signed a special agreement with the IBO to allow German Abitur equivalency recognition of our IB Mathematics SL Courses

The German Education Ministers’ Conference (KMK) has provided confirmation that IB diplomas which include a DP mathematics course at standard level (SL) can be recognized as the “allgemeine Hochschulzugangsberechtigung” (general university entrance qualification) equivalent to the German Abitur.

The signed agreement will result in our current Year 12 students already benefiting from the change! We believe that this change will offer more of our students the opportunity to have broader access to German universities than the original, more restrictive general recognition agreement, which was announced by the KMK in March 2019.

The leadership team and Mrs Martini-Appel are confident that this new development will have a positive impact for all stakeholders of SISS Secondary. 

Wolfgang Scheuerpflug

IB Coordinator
Schuldorf-Bergstraße / State International School Seeheim

Diese Datei herunterladen (German recognition of IB diploma at SISS Secondary.pdf)German recognition of IB diploma at SISS Secondary.pdf2021-02-12 16:35

IB Final Exams April/May 2021

Here is an overview of the dates for the final exams in April and May 2021.

So far we expect exams to take place as planned by the IB. If the IB makes any changes to this procedure and plan, you will be informed immediately.

Diese Datei herunterladen (Exams_schedule_IB_2021.pdf)Exams_schedule_IB_2021.pdf2021-01-26 13:47

Information about the first week

We look forward to welcoming your children back next Monday 17th August. As you are probably aware, we are being asked to return to a full timetable with normal teaching groups. We are therefore required to implement a health and safety plan in order to minimise any risk of the infection spreading. Important details will be shared with all classes as soon as they arrive. We ask parents to please consider the points enclosed in the attachment below...

Diese Datei herunterladen (Information about the first week of school in Secondary.pdf)Information about the first week of school in Secondary.pdf2020-08-14 11:37

IB Diploma Programme at SISS - 2020 – 2022

You are looking for information on our IB DP here at SISS? Courses that we offer? Want to find out more about the IB DP in general? Understand the entry requirements for the IB DP?Or have questions about the “Anerkennung des IB Diplomas in Deutschland?” 

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Year 11 / 12 students at the “Britische Hochschulmesse” at Frankfurt University

Britische Hochschulmesse 1 2019So, what’s next? College? If yes, what should I take? Which choices are best for my career? Will I need to move? These are all questions which arise to us, one day or another. After the IGCSE, we start entering an age at which these questions become relevant to us and we start asking ourselves what the next steps might be. The current year 11 and 12 students of SISS feel this ever so present pressure of decision making coming closer and closer.

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