
IGCSE Results of the June 2017 Series 

The students of the SISS took their IGCSE examinations from April to June 2017 in the following subjects: German, English, Maths, Coordinated Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Spanish or French, History or/and Geography, Art & Design and Music. The overall results this year were outstanding! The administration congratulates the year 10 students for their successful performance. Furthermore, a big THANKS to all the teachers who did such a great job! 

W.Scheuerpflug (IGCSE Coordinator)  

Diese Datei herunterladen (IGCSE results 2017.pdf)IGCSE results 2017.pdf2017-09-05 07:45

Y4 and Y11 IB students doing chemistry together!

Chemistry show1Our IB Grade 11 Chemistry class recently held an interactive lesson for the 4th Grade at SISS Primary. We were all excited to be doing another experimental lesson after our successful Christmas Show in December. Our teacher, Ms Schmöckel came up with a fun title for our show; "What do we do with CO2?". For the first part of our show we assisted the Year 4 students with a challenging but fun experiment, using water, calcium tablets, an indicator, and fire.

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Walkathon 2017 - Don´t miss it!

walkathon2017poster 1We want you to join us at the Walkathon this year! Where we will 'Give without borders' together benefitting Medecins Sans Frontieres, MSF (Doctors without Borders, Ärzte ohne Grenzen). The 9th annual Walkathon will take place on Saturday MAY 13th at the Christian Stock Stadion. The event is being run by a year 11 IB CAS group.

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Die SchoolJam-Finalsten 2017 stehen fest!

Schooljam 2017

Amelie, Milan, Sean, Filip and Adeline haben es geschafft! Sie treten beim großen SchoolJam-Finale im Rahmen der Musikmesse Frankfurt am 07.04.2017 ab 15.00 Uhr auf dem Messegelände auf. Die Berichterstattung im Darmstädter Echo finden Sie hier

Wir gratulieren der Band und danken allen, die sich an der Abstimmung beteiligt haben! 

Invitation Talent show 2017

There will be the Secondary Talent Show coming up on Saturday, March 25 in the Aula. You will be able to purchase food and drink before the show from 18:00 on (and during the intermission). The show begins at 18:30 and will last approximately 3 hours, including two intermissions. You find more information in the attachment. 

Diese Datei herunterladen (Talent show 2017.pdf)Talent show 2017.pdf2017-03-19 17:25


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