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Teachers & Staff will offer plasters/Band-Aids to children if the child indicates that they are allowed to have one.

School paramedics will be called in case of other injuries.

In emergencies the ambulance and the parents will be called immediately. For this reason please always update your contact details with the office.

In cases of head injuries – even minor ones - parents will be informed immediately.

If your child had an accident at school, the procedure is -in general- as follows:

  • The student will be brought to the fist aid room (first aid equipment/ice pack available).
  • The “Schulsanitätsdienst” (student first aiders) will be called if necessary; in severe cases an ambulance will be involved.

If your child needs to see a doctor after his/her accident, please send an email to with the name, address and phone number of the doctor you went to. The school needs to submit an official accident report to the Unfallkasse Hessen. This is also applicable for accidents on the way to or from school.

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