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Break (snack/lunch)

Morning break

During the morning break children have the opportunity to eat a small snack that they have brought to school. A snack box is recommended to transport food to school to avoid your child’s rucksack and supplies from being stained. Again, please do not pack pretzels, puddings, cakes or candy. We also encourage you to provide water, rather than juice, in your child’s drinking bottle.


All classes are given 25 minutes to eat their lunch in the cafeteria.

A catering company provides warm lunch to those children who have been registered in the lunch programme and have ordered food for that day. You will receive a lunch registration package when your child is admitted into SISS.

For those opting for the warm lunch service, once your online registration is completed and funds transferred, parents are responsible to order their child’s lunch (the school has no means to place orders). There is always the choice between a vegetarian and a non-vegetarian menu. Typically orders may be placed up to a month in advance. If necessary (i.e. illness), cancellations for that day’s lunch may be placed until 7:45 a.m. the same morning of the absence.

Children receiving hot lunch will receive dessert without prerequisite (children will not be told to eat more of their entrée before receiving dessert.)

Parents may of course choose to provide a packed lunch for their children. In accordance with the Schuldorf “Healthy School” policy Parents are encouraged to provide a healthy lunch and beverage for their children.

Year 4 students are provided access to a microwave for re-heating food. The microwave is not available for lower grades since there is not enough time (or staff to supervise use of the microwave) during the class lunch slots to allow for a long queue to warm up food.

Dining hall rules

Our aim is to keep noise levels down to reasonable levels (so that we can talk to others at the table). The children calm down and line up before moving quietly to the serving area. Dining hall rules will be discussed in each class at the beginning of the year. Year groups have to agree on the rules according to their needs. Occasionally the noise traffic light in the dining hall will be switched on in order to provide a visual reminder to children about their noise level. If the red light goes on, the children will be asked to eat in silence for 3 minutes.

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