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Parent Representatives (PR)

Role of Parent Representatives

Each class in Primary elects two representatives at the beginning of the academic year.

They are elected for two years so the elections usually take place in the first and third year.

The role of parent reps is to act as a liaison between parents and school management. They support the class teacher with special school activities such as sports day, class trips or celebrations. Parent Rep meetings together with the Primary headteacher take place every 6 – 8 weeks. On this occasion school news is shared and parental concerns may be raised.

Parent evenings

The purpose of parent evenings is to inform parents about class routines, class trips, the curriculum, to plan social events for the class, etc. A minimum of one parent evening per semester is required.

The first parent evening has to take place within the first six weeks of term. In Flex classes and Year 3, elections of the parent representatives will take place on this evening (election forms available in the office). Dates for the first parent evenings will be agreed upon in the staff meeting, and a general invitation will be send to all parents from the office.

All following parent evenings have to be arranged by the parent rep of the class in agreement with the class teacher (coordination within the year group might be useful). The parent rep will invite both the parents and the class teacher/subject teachers. Invitations and agenda of the meeting should be sent to the parents and teachers at least ten days in advance.