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Information about school start on Monday, 17 August 2020

 Dear Parents of SBS SISS Primary students,

We would like to give you a short update in a nutshell about the school start on coming Monday, 17 August 2020.

Regular school hours:
• Students will be supervised on SISS Primary playground from 7.30 am – 8.45 am (wearing masks is currently compulsory for everybody who is on the playground – see hygiene regula-tions below)
• Lessons from 8.45 am – 3.00 pm
• Supervision from 3.00 pm – 6.00 pm ( detailed information will be provided by the SV Team)

Packed lunch until further notice (currently envisaged for the first two weeks). All children will have lunch in their classrooms.


The following hygiene regulations are currently in place for all students:

1. Wearing facial masks is compulsory :
a. on the playground at all times
b. when walking in the building at all times
c. EXCEPTION: The children do not need to wear facial masks inside their classroom.

2. One-way system in the SISS Primary building:
a. inside stairs for going upstairs
b. outside stairs for going downstairs

3. Hand Hygiene (similar to before the summer break) - washing hands thoroughly when entering the class, before having snack/lunch, after going to the bathroom)

4. On the playground
a. Keeping distance to children from other classes
b. Neither football nor catching games – no body contact.

“Hitzefrei”: Information will be sent to all parents by email

We are looking forward to seeing all children on Monday!
Uta Wetterich