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Laterne, Laterne - Sonne, Mond und Sterne

Lanternwalk 2Finally the time has come again - our Lower Primary children have been busy making lanterns and practising the lantern songs in their music classes.


On 11.11.22 at 6.00 p.m. the children and parents gathered in the school yard.
Together, we started the lantern festival by singing lantern songs, accompanied by Mina, Amelie, Adrian and Caitlin (guitar), Lily (flute) Misha (saxophone) and Utako (oculele) from SISS Secondary under the direction of Mrs Schürmann.


Halfway through the lantern procession on campus, we gathered again and more songs were sung with the support of the musicians.

Lanternwalk 1At the end, a sea of lights from the lanterns arrived back at the schoolyard, where parent helpers of the classes offered the children and parents warm drinks, finger food and the traditional “Weckmänner”.Weckmänner

We would like to thank Nowicook, our caterer, for generously donating the “Weckmännner” for the children.

And a big thank you to all parent helpers as well as the musicians who made it a very special lantern festival 2022.



text: U.Wetterich; photos: H. Wenzel, U. Miyazaki