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Nuttin for Christmas!

20241204Alle flexis

The SISS primary school's first Christmas performance since 2019 was a great success.

The children, together with their teachers and TAs, put a lot of effort into putting a programme full of variety on stage: traditional and unconventional poems, Christmas carols including a bucket drum version of Jingle Bells,and last but not least the play ‘Snowman at Sunset’, which was performed by the four Flexible Lower Primary classes.

20241204The performance took place over two afternoons, as there was not enough room for all the parents in the Aula.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to making it two exciting and wonderful afternoons.


Our special thanks go to FriendsOfSISS, who sponsored the licence for the play, and to Linus, Evan and Benjamin from the SBS Technik team, who created a genuine theatre atmosphere on stage with lighting and sound.

Finally a big thank you to the parents for their time and for being such a fantastic audience.

(text and photos U.Wetterich)

20241204Y4s bucket drums20241204Y3 nuttin for Chrsstmas