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Hot lunch availabale as of Monday, 7th September 2020

Dear Parents,

We would like to inform you about the forthcoming option of having hot lunch again and the regulations related to it.

Online booking is possible from today, Tuesday, 2nd September 2020.
Hot lunch will be available as of Monday 7th September 2020.
All classes will have lunch in their scheduled lunchtime with a 15 min head start in the Flex classes.

There will be a “one way system“ in the ding hall.
Hot lunch children will have their lunch as usual in the hall.
Packed lunch children will have lunch in the classrooms.

By using both hall and classrooms we can ensure that there is enough time (and sink facilites) for all children to wash their hands before having lunch.

All tables will be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each individual lunch slot.
There will be no shared food on the tables (no vegetable sticks, no sliced bread).
There is no microwave available to heat packed lunch ( Y4 and Y5).

With kind regards,
Uta Wetterich

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