Hurray-soooo many new books!

New books Primary homepageSomething was going on in our Primary library! The students knew that new books were ordered but when – oh when! – would they arrive? Finally, everything was ready and SISS Primary students were excited to find over 200 (!) new books on the shelves and on display in our Primary Library (Bücherwelt).

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Let's "Muuvit"

 Dear Parents,

For the first time the SISS Primary is going to participate in the programme “Muuvit”.

“Muuvit” is an innovative platform designed to inspire and encourage children to become more physically active, but also offers a unique learning experience along the way! Originally developed in Finland in 2000, the “Muuvit” programme has received participation of nearly 3 million children from across the globe in countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Uruguay, Brazil, USA, Ukraine and Poland.

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