Save the date: SISS Walkathon, 17 June 2023

Walkathon Assembly 1Finally there is a Walkathon again!

Many of the primary school children have never participated in a walkathon before.

Therefore, there was a kick-off event in May where the primary school students were visited by Dylon, Robin, Simon and Sid from Y11/SISS Secondary. The IB students explained the key facts about the event to the children:

- What is a walkathon?

- Who can participate?

- When does it take place? and - last but not least -.

- How can everyone raise money together?

Apart from the idea of participating together in such an event, there was one detail that the children particularly liked: they would all like to meet the "chicken man on the bike", who gives exhausted runners a boost from time to time during the walkathon!

It was a great assembly - we would like to thank the four IB students and Mr Rafal Milerski, who supports the organising team, and look forward to seeing many families at the Walkathon!

U. Wetterich, June 2023

Sports festival 2023

Sporttag Start 24.May 2023 SISS Primary Was it a great day?

The Christian Stock Stadium was buzzing with activity on 24 May. The children from the Grundschulzweig and Siss Primary celebrated the sports festival together.

In the weeks before, they had practised a lot in sports lessons. Finally, the time had come: no arithmetic, no writing, no reading, no German and no English - instead, sprinting, jumping, throwing and long-distance running were on the schedule, with time for picnics and fun and games.

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